quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2021


GOVERNO - ESTADOS UNIDOS The form of government in the United States is presidentialism, used in several countries, including Brazil. The current president of the United States is Joe Biden, an affiliate of the Democratic party. But let's look at the last presidents of the United States, starting with:

John Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, from Brookline's hometown. We can say that it changed the history of politics in the United States. He joined the Democratic party. He assumed the presidency in 1961 with 34,220,984, against Richard Nixon. He was assassinated on November 22, 1963. And his deputy assumed the presidency.

Lindon Johnson

Lyndon Baines Johnson, from Stonewall's hometown. After following Kennedy's mandate in 1963, he won the 1965 election. He is also a member of the Democratic party. He had 2 consecutive terms, in the 1969 elections he had 43,127,041 votes, and beat Barry Goldwater.

Richard Nixon

Richard Milhous Nixon, from Yorba Linda's hometown, California. After disputing with Kennedy in 1961 and losing just over 130,000 votes. Affiliate of the Republican Party. He assumed the presidency in 1969 with 31,783,783, against Hubert Humphrey, an affiliate of the Democratic Party, who lost by 500,000 votes. But in his second term, he resigned after his corruption crimes were discovered

Gerald Ford

Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr., from the hometown of Omaha, Nebraska. He was from the Republican Party. He assumed the presidency in 1974, after Richard Nixon resigned for his crimes of corruption, and remained in the presidency until the end of 1977.

Jimmy Carter

James Earl Carter Jr., from Plains, Georgia hometown. From the Democratic party, he assumed the presidency in 1977, is still alive today, at 96 years old. And he left the presidency in 1981

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan, hometown Tampico, Illinois. From the Republican Party, he assumed the presidency in 1981. He left the presidency only in 1989. He ended up dying in 2004.

George Bush

George Bush, hometown Milton, Massachusetts. From the Republican Party, he assumed the presidency in 1989. He only left the presidency in 1993. He ended up dying in 2018

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton, hometown Hope, Arkansas. From the Democratic Party, he assumed the presidency in 1993. He only left the presidency in 2001. He is still alive today at the age of 74

Bill W. Bush

George W. Bush, hometown New Haven, Connecticut. From the Republican Party, with the support of George H. W. Bush, his father, assumed the presidency in 2001. He only left the presidency in 2009. He is still alive today at the age of 74

Barack Obama

Barack Hussein Obama II Natal Honolulu, Hawaii, affiliated with the Democratic Party. He won the 2009 elections, considered by many to be the best president of the United States. So he won two consecutive elections. Just left the presidency in 2017

Donald Trump

Donald John Trump, from his hometown, New York. He was not just a president, but a billionaire, with an estimated fortune of more than $ 2 billion. In 2016, he ran for president of the United States with fewer votes, but more delegates in favor of Trump.

Joe Biden

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, from his hometown Scranton, Pennsylvania. He was Obama's vice president from 2009 until 2017. He ran for president in 2020 with the Democratic party. He is the current president of the United States


Some curiosities of this country are :

1- The United States has two political parties in evidence : the republican and the democratic.

2- Most of the population of the United States follows the protestant religion.

3- The age to start taking a driver’s licence is 16 years old.

4- In the United States anyone can buy a firearm. 9 out of 10 Americans have a gun.

5- In the United States, children attend school from 8 am to 3 pm.

6- Americans don't have food for lunch.They just make a snack.Food only for dinner.


The dollar is the official currency of the United States, main abbreviations for the currency are USD and US $, the dollar is widely used as a reserve currency in other countries such as Brazil, for example. The name "dollar" comes from the German word "thaler" , an ancient silver coin first coined in 1518, in Germany.

Typical Foods from the United States


Hamburger. In the first place of the typical dishes of the United States, the burger could not be missing. The sandwich itself has many variants, being assembled according to the preference of the one who will devour the dish.


American pancakes are thick, served in a circular shape, with fruit or syrup.


This pie consists of a layer of dough - which can be flaked or what is called "rotten dough", which is nothing more than crushed cookies mixed with butter - filled with thin slices of apple, covered with a creamy mixture.


They are usually served with fries and a lot of sauce. The dish was created around 1861 during the Civil War.


Although it has a Belgian origin, this dish is widely consumed in the United States, especially when it comes to breakfast.


The day in the US usually starts with a dish well served with scrambled eggs and bacon.


Based on ground meat, chopped onion, parsley, cheese, eggs and garlic, among other ingredients, are also on the plate.


Cold chicken has it all over the world. But in the United States, this dish is taken seriously, including fast-food chains specializing in… frying chicken.


Cheap and easy snack, soon the practice spread around the world. But it is still very traditional in the USA, being the number one street food in NY.


The number one dessert in the USA and also the most exported. The passion for cheese pie crosses the country. From San Francisco to New York, it can be found with different topping syrups, although the most common flavor is red fruit cheesecake.

Commemorative dates

Easter (April 22-25)

Contrary to Brazil, Easter eggs are not huge, they are very small the size of a normal egg, one more thing that is not common here in Brazil are the tasty chocolate rabbit There is tradition there to hunt for eggs, what a curious cat that every Easter there the white cassa opens the doors to do an egg hunt in the garden, cool, right, and in contrast to Brazil, they will not take a holiday from Good Friday because it is not a religious holiday.

Halloween (October 31th)

You don't need to talk, do you? We know that halloween is a holiday in the united states, but there they take it more seriously with costumes, trick or treating and decoration, they believe that October 30 and the Gods and everyone take care of the earth, on the 31st they took a rest, and the spirits and monsters leave the spiritual world to be able to do whatever they want .

Thanksgiving (Intimate Thursday of November)

That holiday with the name says, and to thank for the rest of the year that holiday originated when the Colonizers gave thanks for the harvest they made that holiday the family gathers to eat a lot q They eat pumpkins, apple and nut pies, cookies, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and ummm turkey made you hungry.

Christmas (December 25)

Unlike the celebration here in Brazil and the United States and that the pine trees are real and make cookie houses to be part of the decoration, put more in the homes for sweets To put candies like candies, sweet pengalas and biscuits that have a lot of that, they make cookies in the shape of everything tree, man, reindeer, etc. And if it snows they call it white Christmas.

St. Patrick's Day (March 17)

St.Patrick He became a slave at the age of 16, converted to Christianity and became a bishop ,made several English converts, and his holiday was guaranteed, the holiday and only celebrated in countries They were colonized by England ,and have several symbols among them four-leaf clover representing God, holy spirit, cross Celtic is the mixture of the cross of Christianity with the Cross of the sun,the Green color the color that Saint Patrick is used by a Leprechaun, small elf look like goblins are at the end of the rainbow with pots of gold amandiço people who do not deserve gold ,and with pinching making them unlucky.

Independence Day (4th of July)

On Independence Day and a party that only they enjoy a barbecue, and enjoy a shower of fireworks on Independence Day and the freedom of the United States is celebrated when the 13 colonies They fell making the country free ... you can see that they love freedom.

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