quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2021


 Nomes: Evelin Beatriz Silva Dos Reis, Julia de Andrade Barbosa e Emily Christine Lima N° 10, 16, 8


The International Day of Non-Violence is celebrated annually on October 2nd. This date, created in honor of the pacifist Mahatma Gandhi, is intended to encourage education for peace, always respecting human rights.


The 1st of January is the World Day of Peace. There could not be a better date. As the 1st of January was chosen by the UN as the day of the Universal Fellowship, many countries also commemorate this date with this sense of fellowship


The International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21st. This worldwide initiative was established by the United Nations in 1981 and was first commemorated in September 1982. In 2002 the United Nations General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace.


Celebrated on January 6th, Epiphany is popularly known as the time when Christmas celebrations end and the Christmas tree is dismantled. However, the date carries with it a series of meanings and is celebrated in different ways around the world.


On January 6th, Gratitude Day will be celebrated. So, below are two step-by-step action suggestions for you to promote with your friends and colleagues.


January 9th is a special day for space exploration enthusiasts in Brazil! Because, on this date, Astronaut Day is commemorated, in honor of those who venture and risk overcoming the barriers of the Earth's atmosphere — as is the case with the current Minister of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications, Marcos Pontes , the first and until then only Brazilian astronaut.


Chemical pesticides, when misapplied, can cause serious damage to the environment and human health. To foster discussion and awareness of the need for care and rational use of products, January 11 was established as the Day for the Control of Pollution by Pesticides.



Jamaica is a parliamentary monarchy and the head of state is the monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II. the representative of

The monarch in Jamaica is the Governor General, whose role is to pass laws and other functions of the state. To a large extent, the monarch (through his representative, the Governor General) is a ceremonial figure and what little real power he has is reserved for times of crisis. Republican sentiment has grown in Jamaica in recent years, and the monarchy is likely to be abolished.

The Jamaican parliament is divided into two chambers: the house of representatives and the senate. Chamber members are directly elected, and the leader of the majority party in the chamber becomes prime minister. The senate is appointed by the prime minister and the leader of the parliamentary opposition.

Jamaica has a two-party system, with the People's National Party and the Jamaican Labor Party frequently alternating in power.

In December 2011, Portia Simpson Miller of the opposition National People's Party (PNP) won the election for the country's prime minister.


The first coins in Jamaica were Spanish copper coins, called "maravedíes", and silver. 8 Reais silver coins, known as "pieces of 8" or "Spanish dollar'' - Spanish coins circulated for the first 400 years since discovery. In the year 1821, the UK adopted a very successful gold-based standard , through Pounds Sterling. In 1825, the British government introduced the Pounds Sterling system in its colonies


By order of the imperial council, a system of coining and converting colonial currencies was implemented at the rate of 8 Reais (1 Piece of 8) = 4s 4d (4 Shillings and 4 Pence sterling). These rates did not reflect the reality between the prices between silver and gold, and because of this the effect ended up the opposite, causing the exchange of English coins for Spanish.


In 1838, corrective legislation was introduced changing the conversion rate to more realistic values ​​($1 = 4s 2d). However, in Jamaica, British Honduras, Bermuda, and later, the Bahamas, opted to adopt the traditional exchange rate, where 1 British shilling equals a quarter of a dollar. The link between these territories was the Bank of Nova Scotia, common issuer for all territories.


In 1839, a Parliamentary Act declared that from December 31, 1840 only British coins would be legally accepted, demonetizing the Spanish coins, except for the gold doubloons which would remain with a value of £3 4s.


The abolition of slavery in 1838 increased the need for coinage in Jamaica, especially small coins, but freed slaves were reluctant to accept copper coins. The solution to the impasse was the adoption of cupronickel coins in 1869. These coins were issued for exclusive use in Jamaica, becoming the first genuinely Jamaican coins.


In 1904, the first issuance of banknotes, issued by private banks, was authorized. In 1940 the government bank started issuing £1 and £5 notes. In October 1960, the Bank of Jamaica acquired the exclusive right to issue.

In 1968, the Jamaican parliament approved the adoption of the decimal system, replacing the Jamaican Pound with the Jamaican Dollar. On September 8, 1969 the new coin came into circulation and a complete nationalization of the coins in circulation (penny and half-penny coins were the same as used in the UK).


The Reverse of the coins used between 1969 and 1990 were designed to the British standard, by designer Christopher Ironside. The Anverso has its own design.


The initial quotation of the Jamaican dollar was J$0.77 to US$1, but due to the adoption of a floating exchange rate, in 2015 the parity was J$115 to US$

                           Typical Food

1 - To start we have the Jerk dish or better known as Jamaican barbecue, this dish can be made with white or red meat, this meat is seasoned with 3 types of pepper and some more spices, this is a good dish to taste as soon as you arrive at Jamaica.

2 - then we have the delicious Curry Goat, this dish has goat meat as its main ingredient, which is not highly valued, although it has become popular in the United States. In addition to the fact that goat meat has many health benefits, it has: less saturated fat, calories and cholesterol. the way to prepare this dish is that the meat is cooked slowly with an aromatic mixture of ginger, onion, pepper and others. If you ask a person who loves Jamaican food what is their favorite dish they will surely recommend you this delicious Curry.

3 - Now let's talk about a food you can eat anytime. Patty is a food that is very similar to our famous pastry. Patty is made in a half moon shape, it's made with various fillings, spices and a few more things, it's baked with all these things inside, usually the outside of the patty turns golden with the egg yolk or saffron mixture. , Patty is sold in bakeries and stores. Don't forget to buy one of those afternoon snacks when visiting Jamaica.

4 - Let's talk about another delicacy you can eat at any time, the name of this dish is Bammy. Bammy is a slightly flat bread made from cassava, this bread can be fried or steamed. Bammy has been consumed since pre-colonial times and is believed to have originated with the Arawak native people who are the original inhabitants of Jamaica. Bammy is sold in rural communities, stores, sold by street vendors and abroad.

5 - Last but not least we have Gizzada, which is a sweet of Jamaican and Portuguese cuisine. Gizzada is similar to our beloved queijada, Gizzada is also known as pinch-me-round. Gizzada is made of crispy dough with a long crust and stuffed with sweet, spiced coconut.





1 - the Lagoa Azul, was a setting in a 1990 film that was shown in the afternoon session. The Blue Lagoon was located in the coastal city of Port Antonio. For a time, the inhabitants there believed that the Lagoon had no bottom, because of its immense depth of 60 meters

2 - Many people may think that in Jamaica marijuana (better known as Ganja in Jamaica) is legal, but on the contrary. In Jamaica there is a law that decriminalizes the possession of substances up to a maximum limit of 57 grams. This means that the user only receives one notification from the police.

3 - The Rastafarian movement is a religious and social movement of Judeo-Christian inspiration, this movement was created in the 1930s and plagues the worship of the God Jah. This movement has more than 1 million adherents around the world, people who are part of this movement seek a simpler life, with their own clothing, use of medicinal herbs and a natural way of eating, favoring vegetables. The vast majority of people who are part of this movement (and even those who are not) wear dreadlocks.

4 - Jamaica is the birthplace of the famous Bob Marley, the biggest Reggae star in history. in the capital, fans of the singer can satisfy their curiosity about the singer's life on the Bob Marley Tour in Kingston and at the museum that was dedicated to the idol. But in Jamaica reggae is not the only music style, it is also a music style in Jamaica.

5 - Few people know but Jamaica is one of the great producers of Rum. Rum has a very strong alcohol content between 40 and 55° GL, it was also used as a medicine. This drink is made from sugar cane.



Nomes: Evelin Beatriz Silva Dos Reis, Julia de Andrade Barbosa e Emily Christine Lima 10, 16


The International Day of Non-Violence is celebrated annually on October 2nd. This date, created in honor of the pacifist Mahatma Gandhi, is intended to encourage education for peace, always respecting human rights.


The 1st of January is the World Day of Peace. There could not be a better date. As the 1st of January was chosen by the UN as the day of the Universal Fellowship, many countries also commemorate this date with this sense of fellowship


The International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21st. This worldwide initiative was established by the United Nations in 1981 and was first commemorated in September 1982. In 2002 the United Nations General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace.


Celebrated on January 6th, Epiphany is popularly known as the time when Christmas celebrations end and the Christmas tree is dismantled. However, the date carries with it a series of meanings and is celebrated in different ways around the world.


On January 6th, Gratitude Day will be celebrated. So, below are two step-by-step action suggestions for you to promote with your friends and colleagues.


January 9th is a special day for space exploration enthusiasts in Brazil! Because, on this date, Astronaut Day is commemorated, in honor of those who venture and risk overcoming the barriers of the Earth's atmosphere — as is the case with the current Minister of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications, Marcos Pontes , the first and until then only Brazilian astronaut.


Chemical pesticides, when misapplied, can cause serious damage to the environment and human health. To foster discussion and awareness of the need for care and rational use of products, January 11 was established as the Day for the Control of Pollution by Pesticides.



Jamaica is a parliamentary monarchy and the head of state is the monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II. the representative of

The monarch in Jamaica is the Governor General, whose role is to pass laws and other functions of the state. To a large extent, the monarch (through his representative, the Governor General) is a ceremonial figure and what little real power he has is reserved for times of crisis. Republican sentiment has grown in Jamaica in recent years, and the monarchy is likely to be abolished.

The Jamaican parliament is divided into two chambers: the house of representatives and the senate. Chamber members are directly elected, and the leader of the majority party in the chamber becomes prime minister. The senate is appointed by the prime minister and the leader of the parliamentary opposition.

Jamaica has a two-party system, with the People's National Party and the Jamaican Labor Party frequently alternating in power.

In December 2011, Portia Simpson Miller of the opposition National People's Party (PNP) won the election for the country's prime minister.


The first coins in Jamaica were Spanish copper coins, called "maravedíes", and silver. 8 Reais silver coins, known as "pieces of 8" or "Spanish dollar'' - Spanish coins circulated for the first 400 years since discovery. In the year 1821, the UK adopted a very successful gold-based standard , through Pounds Sterling. In 1825, the British government introduced the Pounds Sterling system in its colonies


By order of the imperial council, a system of coining and converting colonial currencies was implemented at the rate of 8 Reais (1 Piece of 8) = 4s 4d (4 Shillings and 4 Pence sterling). These rates did not reflect the reality between the prices between silver and gold, and because of this the effect ended up the opposite, causing the exchange of English coins for Spanish.


In 1838, corrective legislation was introduced changing the conversion rate to more realistic values ​​($1 = 4s 2d). However, in Jamaica, British Honduras, Bermuda, and later, the Bahamas, opted to adopt the traditional exchange rate, where 1 British shilling equals a quarter of a dollar. The link between these territories was the Bank of Nova Scotia, common issuer for all territories.


In 1839, a Parliamentary Act declared that from December 31, 1840 only British coins would be legally accepted, demonetizing the Spanish coins, except for the gold doubloons which would remain with a value of £3 4s.


The abolition of slavery in 1838 increased the need for coinage in Jamaica, especially small coins, but freed slaves were reluctant to accept copper coins. The solution to the impasse was the adoption of cupronickel coins in 1869. These coins were issued for exclusive use in Jamaica, becoming the first genuinely Jamaican coins.


In 1904, the first issuance of banknotes, issued by private banks, was authorized. In 1940 the government bank started issuing £1 and £5 notes. In October 1960, the Bank of Jamaica acquired the exclusive right to issue.

In 1968, the Jamaican parliament approved the adoption of the decimal system, replacing the Jamaican Pound with the Jamaican Dollar. On September 8, 1969 the new coin came into circulation and a complete nationalization of the coins in circulation (penny and half-penny coins were the same as used in the UK).


The Reverse of the coins used between 1969 and 1990 were designed to the British standard, by designer Christopher Ironside. The Anverso has its own design.


The initial quotation of the Jamaican dollar was J$0.77 to US$1, but due to the adoption of a floating exchange rate, in 2015 the parity was J$115 to US$

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